Information For Our Patients

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(405) 23 - SMILE

Welcome to the Redeemed Smiles Dental Family

We are proudly accepting new patients and look forward to serving you at our Yukon dental office.

Our master craftsman dental technician at redeemed smiles

Is Your Dental Insurance Accepted?

More than likely, the answer to that questions is yes. We accept over 100 different types of dental insurances including Medicaid. If your dental insurance is not on our list of included providers we are happy to work with you in contacting your provider to see if we can get your service covered.

What if I don't Have Dental Insurance?

We don't want dental care to be a financial burden, so we offer competitive pricing on all our dental services whether you have insurance coverage or not. We offer financing options and in-house payment plansย as well as our very own dental membership plan that on average saves our patients hundreds of dollars a year compared to traditional dental insurance and out-of-pocket expenses.

For Patients Undergoing Dental Surgery

  • For 3-4 teeth extractions or other minor procedures, patients will not need any prescription medications called in advance.ย  With minor procedures likes this, ย option 1 in the Medication Instructions form which comprises of 800mg Motrin/Ibuprofen and 1000mg Tylenol/Acetaminophen taken every 8hrs will be our standard medication protocol.ย  For larger procedures like Full Mouth Extractions and Immediate Denture placement or Dental Implants, prescription medications will be called in.ย  Please pick up prescription medications prior to your surgery. If your pharmacy has not received them, please notify our office. Please follow instructions listed on each medication and bring ALL of them with you to your appointment. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your prescriptions, please give us a call.
  • Take all medications as directed that you would normally take for other medical reasons. Be sure that your dentist is aware of all medications you take regularly and/or that you have taken in the preceding 24 hours.
  • Eat breakfast and/or lunch on the day of surgery prior to arriving.
  • If any anti-anxiety drugs (relaxants) are going to be used, please arrange to have someone accompany you on the day of surgery. They will be responsible for your transportation and care afterwards.
  • Feel free to bring headphones to listen to your favorite music.

Day 1: Please relax and sleep in a raised 45-degree angle. Please try and eat something before the narcotic pain medicine is taken. Continue biting on the gauze for 30-60 minutes following your procedures. Do NOT spit, rinse, suck on a straw, smoke, or drink carbonated or alcoholic beverages for at least 24 hours. The goal is to keep blood clots in the socket to prevent bleeding and dry sockets. Bleeding and oozing is normal for 24-48 hours. Put a towel on your pillow as some drooling can occur when you are numb. If you experience excessive bleeding, apply firm pressure with 1-2 folded gauze pads or a damp tea bag on the affected area for 30-60 minutes and keep your head elevated.

Day 2: You will most likely experience one or more of the following symptoms: Minor pain, swelling, bruising, limitations in opening or closing your mouth, pain in the jaw/ear, or sore throat. No heavy lifting. It is important to listen to your body and take it easy. You may expect some swelling after your dental surgery, regardless of how minimally invasive. Swelling is a part of the natural healing process. Individuals who bruise easily may anticipate some discoloration of the skin in the area surrounding the surgical procedure site. This type of bruising may take weeks to resolve.

Oral Hygiene: Brush gently. Lukewarm saltwater rinses can be used often to freshen your mouth. But, again, do not spit; just let the fluid passively empty. The corners of your mouth may become cracked and dry; moisturize frequently. If all teeth have been removed, use a soft warm rag to gently clean any denture adhesive or food debris from your mouth prior to rinsing with Peridex.

Swelling and Bruising: Expect some swelling after your dental surgery, regardless of how minimally invasive. Swelling and bruising is normal. Peak swelling is always 3-4 days after surgery, at which point, it gradually dissipates. Apply cold compresses to the affected area at 20-minute intervals for the first 48 hours to minimize swelling. Any swelling that occurs usually begins to diminish within 96 hours. Black and blue marks on the face after surgery is called a hematoma and this is engendered from bleeding under the skin. Certain blood thinners create very unsightly hematomas that can spread over large areas of the face and jaws after dental surgery. It will gradually fade, but it can take weeks. Using a hot towel wrung out until it is very dry may help to somewhat speed up the fading process.

Diet: Drink plenty of fluids. Avoid carbonated and alcoholic beverages. A soft diet will be easiest: Soups, mashed potatoes, smoothies, or Jello are good choices. No spicy foods. It is normal to have a little tenderness while chewing and difficulty opening wide.

Sutures: If you have received sutures, avoid playing with them with your tongue. Sutures are resorbable and will go away on their own.

Prescription: If you have been prescribed antibiotics, take them as directed until they are all gone, even if symptoms dissipate. Some antibiotics can interfere with the effectiveness of birth control pills or other medications. If pain medication or a mouth rinse is prescribed, take it as directed.ย ย 

  • Although we recommend you leave the denture in for 24 hours, there are times that patients need to remove it. (IE., gagging, excessive bleeding, too much pain, etc.)
  • If you need to remove the denture due to any reason, go ahead. Try to put it back in as soon as possible, but if you can't, we will help at your post-op appointment.

We Are Here For You

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please, don't hesitate to call or text our office. We are proud to have you apart of our dental family.ย 

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